“Why I’m Taking on a 30-Day Writing Challenge”
Captain’s Log: Day #7 of my 30-Day Challenge to write a 500-word article every day for the next 30 days.
I skipped a day in writing, although it was a Sunday and I just wanted to chill out without having the thought of needing to publish an article.
I realized that I had not defined why I was doing this challenge. So here it goes…
I decided to do a 30-day writing challenge for several reasons:
- The first is to improve my writing. As a Copywriter, most of my job is assembling copy that I believe will help sell a client’s product or services, but also there are still parts that need to be written. I was an okay writer in college, but I did not get to practice it afterward. Although, I had several attempts before at writing blogs, this is my concerted effort to become a better writer by doing.
- Second, with AI around, it can be tempting sometimes to just use prompts and let the AI do the work for you. But I realize that just like an athlete if you don’t practice, you lose your edge. While the tools are available for use, it does not necessarily mean that you just rely on them all the time.
- Finally, I also want to share my expertise through writing. Whether it’s a topic that I’m knowledgeable about or just reflecting on my life experiences
So, for the next couple of days, expect to see articles about Copywriting, Marketing, Sports, Video Games, Movies, maybe some humor, and a whole lot of other stuff that interests me.
Writing about experiences and stuff that you love feels therapeutic as well for me. In my younger years, I would often write about my rants, goals, hopes, dreams, fears, and inspiration in some notebook. Just so I can relieve myself of stress and express myself.
It is also fulfilling to be able to write about stuff that you love and have it compiled in a blog, like a collection of things that you love and you can look back at it. Although I probably would be cringing if I saw our old logbook and read poems from the 16-year-old me.
I’m interested to see how this 30-day journey turns out to be and am looking forward to getting better writing and hopefully producing something that somebody out there will like reading.
As I embark on this journey, I know there will be days when writing can be difficult, blank screens can be tough, if you’re writing manually off the top of your head. But I hope to develop the discipline as a professional so I can write not just when inspiration comes in, but whenever and wherever I want to.
As early as now I’d like to thank you for joining me on this journey and inspiring me. It feels nice when you see somebody take interest in your work and give you positive feedback or appreciation.
And so with that being said, thank you again for joining me in this 30-day journey and I look forward to writing and producing content that hopefully some of you will love, learn from and read about.