The Price of What You Want
Lessons from a Master Artist
I was about to go to bed, one night while watching a YouTube video when I caught this quote.
Yeah I know it’s not a good idea to watch TV or YouTube before going to bed, but I couldn’t help but just watch one more video before I finally hit the sack.
I’ve been following some YouTubers and one of the videos that caught my attention was that of Anthony Vicino.
He makes a lot of good videos specifically in the personal development space and about being focused and learning core skills that will help you become a millionaire.
It’s also because of him, that I got inspired to write again after taking a hiatus because of work and life.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. He was discussing something about this master artist and a quote that was attributed to him.
This quote got to me, and I found myself analyzing and dissecting it over the last couple of days.
That quote came from Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the geniuses of his time. And while I haven’t had time to read about his biography, I was already intrigued by his story.
The quote went something like this:
God will sell you anything for the price of labor.
When I heard that phrase, it was like a ton of ideas and lessons came flashing back to my mind telling me “Yeah that’s right!”
I watched a lot of prosperity gospel or teachings which also say that sometimes opportunities come to us in disguise as problems or… WORK!
And if you don’t have what you want, it’s because you haven’t done the work yet. Sometimes, the work might seem easy, sometimes the work might be hard. It depends really on where you’re at, your skill set, your environment, and a whole lot of other factors.
But it is liberating to know that if you want something, you can have it. You just need to work for it.
Whether you want that girl, that money in your bank account, or that promotion, they all have a price that you need to pay.
When I was working for a BPO company before, I would be one of the top employees, and my goal then was to get promoted right away. So I can get better pay and get higher status.
But I was always hitting a roadblock and I couldn’t get promoted. It wasn’t until I moved on to another company and realized what I was missing that I got promoted.
I had to learn that doing good work was just one part of the equation. The other part is letting people know that you do good work, deliver on time, and of course, network with your peers, superiors, other departments, and everyone else.
Communicating and promoting yourself is another skill that I had to learn and work for to be able to get what I want. And once I learned it, I was able to achieve what I wanted. But being an introverted and shy person, I had to work hard to be able to overcome some of my beliefs and assumptions.
So, if there’s anything that you want, remember you will get it. You just need to find out what skill you need to learn to be able to bridge the gap and get past the next level. Enjoy your weekend!