Good Enough is Good Enough!
Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos about personal development, motivation, and finance, and one content creator caught my attention.
In one of his videos, Anthony Vicino said that you don’t need to be the best at what you want to do. You just need to be good enough. That was a very interesting idea. And to be honest, it is a practical thing but most people will never follow it.
Like, think about it, if you want to be a great musician or band, only a handful of people will reach the levels of Coldplay, or Red Hot Chilli Peppers, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be successful or good at it. All you need to be is to be good enough so people will want to listen to you. Or maybe bar owners will hire you to play at their bar.
And that idea that you have to be the best is something that hinders people from getting started. I had a difficult time trying to write and publish because I thought that I was not the best yet in my field.
While having that competitive edge to work on yourself to be the best can be a great motivating factor, it can also foster a limiting belief, that you’re not good enough, that you’re not ready, or that you don’t have enough to get started.
The truth is, you’ll never be ready enough. But the gap to getting good enough from a nobody or beginner is just small. Once you’re able to get some experience, you can gain momentum and get better along the way as you practice your craft.
Then you can go on and get your 10,000 hours to gain expertise and hopefully be in the top 1% of whatever field you choose to be in. But, to get started, you don’t need to be the best right away. Being good enough is good enough for you to get by, get started, and become an expert. So get started and keep persevering.